Reasons Why You Require Daily Supplements
People tend to consume supplements if they are aware that they are missing out on a particular group of foods. Others may take supplements to aid their organs, address their vitamin deficiencies, or simply gain muscle. For instance, many fitness enthusiasts prefer taking whey protein supplements by bpi sports after endurance or strength training. However, it is important to remember that everybody has different requirements. And hence, instead of simply joining the supplement bandwagon, it is advisable to talk to your doctor before you start consuming supplements. Here are some reasons why you should take daily supplements:
1- RDA
One should take into consideration the RDA, that is, recommended daily allowance when they start taking supplements. RDA is essentially a measure of the average daily intake of minerals and vitamins that a person may require to avoid any kind of deficiencies and remain healthy. RDA varies for men and women as well as for different age groups.
2- Pregnancy
Whether you are trying for a baby or you are in the early stages of planning your pregnancy, it is advised by experts to consume folic acid supplements of about 400 micrograms till the 12th week of pregnancy. You should start consuming these supplements at the earliest possible if you are likely to get pregnant since they need to be taken before conception. Issues such as spina bifida can be avoided with the use of these supplements.
3- Seasonal Deficiencies
During the summer months, it is possible to receive the right amount of vitamin D directly from the sunlight along with a balanced diet. However, it becomes a little difficult to get a sufficient amount of vitamin D directly from the sunlight. This vitamin is extremely important for women who are breastfeeding as well as women who are pregnant. It is also important for toddlers as well as older individuals as it helps in maintaining the strength of the bones. Thus, consuming vitamin D supplements every single day is advisable.
4- High-Risk Groups
Individuals from high-risk groups can benefit from consuming the right supplements. For instance, calcium and certain vitamin supplements are helpful for individuals diagnosed with osteoporosis. Research has also shown that issues caused by celiac disease or Crohn’s disease can also be addressed by the consumption of supplements. Moreover, it was also found that macular degeneration which is an age-related issue can also be slowed down by consuming the right supplements.
They are also beneficial for people who are averse or allergic to dairy products or follow certain diets like veganism or gluten-free diets. Several beneficial multivitamin tablets in UAE can be found in both online as well as offline stores. Talking to your doctor or nutritionist is recommended before you start taking any supplements. Make sure that along with the right supplements you are also consuming a balanced diet to reap the benefits.

Basketball fan, ramen eater, fender owner, Eames fan and creative consultant. Acting at the nexus of minimalism and purpose to save the world from bad design. I work with Fortune 500 companies and startups.